What is WebService?, Need for Web Service? Complexities involved
How Web Service Works?, What is WSDL?, What is REST?
Creating a WS using Eclipse, Requirements for creating a WS
Recap, Components of WS, Intro to SOAPUI, Installation
SOAPUI setup, First Project in SOAPUI, Testsuite Creation
TestSuite Structure, Supplying test inputs, Intro to SOAP protocol
SOAP message elements, SOAP request and response structure, QA
Creation of workspace, Recap of test case creation, Testsuite creation, Execution with parameters
What is assertion?, How to add assertions?, Viewing results, XML tags explanation
Usage of wildcards in assertions
XML - Tags, Syntax, Role of XML in SOAP messages, Understanding XML components of SOAP messages
Namespaces in Xpath, Xpath Assertion using exists ,Xpath using Regular Expressions
Introduction to SOA, SOA benefits, SOA components
Test Model for SOA, SOA Test Methodology , How to test a WS, SOA Architecture sample diagram